The Mother's Way

Your Pathway to Peace, Calm, and Deep Self-Trust in Motherhood




Hi there, beautiful mama!

I see you. I hear you. I feel you. 

Drained by the demands of motherhood? 

Lost and alone in its endless whirlwind? 

Wondering where the person you used to be has gone?

[Sigh, I know.]

Motherhood is supposed to be one of our most fulfilling journeys in life. 

But instead, with every day that passes, a piece of our identity slips through our fingers, leaving us questioning who we are beyond the title of 'Mum.' 

The dream of being the perfect parent crumbles under the weight of reality.

  • Days filled with tasks, leaving no room for ourselves

  • And still we feel like we’re never enough - oh, and the mom guilt, it’s real!

  • We repeat the exact patterns we vowed to change

  • Joy and fulfillment fades into the background, overshadowed by exhaustion and a never-ending to-do list.

Being a mother doesn’t have to be this hard and lonely.


I believe that, you were never meant to do this alone.

Mums need a strong community with unwavering love & support.

Mums deserve mentoring, tools and training to help them grow as a leader of the family.

(Yes, motherhood requires leadership - yet no one gives you training or an instruction manual!)

Mums don’t need more parenting advice, what they do need is self-trust and being connected to their intuition.

You can, absolutely, be the best version of yourself for your kids and YOU.

But in order to do that, you must stop neglecting the #1 thing: YOURSELF. 

Only then you can can show up for your family feeling peaceful and calm, surrender to the flow of life, tap into feeling joyful again, and step into each day feeling empowered, peaceful, and deeply connected to your inner self.

That’s why I created The Mother's Way: a 6-week group program that helps you navigate motherhood with unshakeable resilience, a deep sense of inner peace and calm, and unwavering self-trust.

Picture your life “The Mother’s Way”

You have time for yourself, not as a luxury, but as a non-negotiable part of your day.

You navigate the seasons of life with grace, knowing you're doing your best from a place of self-love and trust.

Your desires and your needs are an integral part of family life.

Your interactions with your family are filled with grace, healing and connection.

This is totally possible for you.

This is the work we do in The Mother’s Way.

Ready for a New Chapter of Motherhood?



The Mother’s Way Curriculum

We spend 6 weeks together in a safe & supportive environment.

Our work is based on 3 transformative pillars:

Reclaim Your Power

Step into your role as a mother and a woman with confidence and strength.

Reclaim Your Pleasure

Find joy and satisfaction in both the big moments and the small daily interactions.

Reclaim Your Presence

Be fully present with your family, creating deep, meaningful connections that last a lifetime.

WEEK 1 + 2 | Awakening Your Power

Become the architect of your own life by stepping into your worthiness, claiming your space, and unlocking inner strength & capacity for change as a mother.

  • Reclaim agency & take back power in household, family & relationships so you feel back in control of your life

  • Reconnect deeply to your dreams and desires 

  • Craft a clear vision of your dream life and personal values to guide and align your daily actions 

  • The power of intention - how to shift your mindset and use perception as a superpower to craft daily miracles 

  • My unique recipe for finding joy and sparking happiness in the mundane

  • My favourite 5 self-discovery tools to get to know yourselves more intimately through (and fall in love with YOU)
  • The one tool that you need to foster self-acceptance & break through your self-doubt
  • Building a highly personalised toolbox of practices for mental health & wellbeing in times of stress
  • Learn the art of accountability so you don’t fall off the bandwagon in turbulent times

WEEK 3 + 4 | Reclaiming Your Pleasure

Rediscover joy and pleasure by breaking free from martyrdom, balancing your internal energies, and reigniting creativity and sensuality. 

  • No more martyrdom! How to let go of victimhood narratives that are keeping you stuck (and find strength and authority)
  • How to unlock a deep sense of worthiness in relationships with self and others
  • How to balance feminine and masculine energies to avoid task/decision/responsibility overwhelm
  • An introduction to shadow work to uncover the energetic and subconscious block affecting your daily life.
  • My ultimate support system checklist to identify gaps + start creating a resilient, nourishing environment for your family
  • Your personal self-care toolkit for the challenging days 
  • The one ritual that will foster unshakable trust in self
  • My 5 secrets to reigniting your sensual spark & tapping into pleasure, creativity
  • Unleash your intuition with practical tools for decision-making and life navigation
  • The art of receiving (even if you have been in overgiving mode your whole life)
  • The power of weaving our inner royal to achieve balance & calm despite chaos
  • Access to all my resources I used to tap into more pleasure & fulfilment in life

WEEK 5 + 6 | Becoming the Leader

 Lead with confidence, empathy and love, becoming the strong, guiding force in your family while nurturing your personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Adopt the leadership identity you need to create clarity, authority + eradicate power imbalances in the family system 
  • Create a supportive and enriching environment for your kids to thrive without losing yourself
  • Master your communication skills and set effective boundaries within the family unit
  • Learn my unique desire mapping process to unlock your desires and build the roadmap for more fulfillment & joy
  • Foster deeper self-awareness, identifying and dissolving roadblocks to your growth.
  • How to turn the most difficult situations and relationship moments into opportunities for learning and growth
  • How to regulate difficult emotions within yourself and your children for more emotional wellbeing
  • The shadow mother archetypes and learning how to spot them in yourself 
  • 22 ways to calm your nervous system for more peace & calm
  • My favourite habit trackers and tools to stay on top of your routines & rituals

Every week we’re going to have:


Weekly zoom calls (60-minutes)

Once a week we meet online to hold space and learn together, take action & receive support from the mentor & group.

Journalling Prompts,  Strategies & Tools

You’ll receive the guidance to start exploring your needs, desires and inner world.

Telegram Support & Community

You’ll have a community of wonderful, supportive women at your fingertips that you can plug into whenever you need it.


Calls are at Thursday, 7:30pm AEST. All calls are recorded.

Inside the community, you’ll experience:

  • Real Connection: Feel seen, heard, and never alone.
  • Mentorship & Support: You can ask questions anytime, and receive input from Bonny and a group of wonderful women.
  • Accountability: You will feel accountable to your desires and intentions set within the container (baby steps are ok!)
  • Self-Worth: You’ll start tapping into your intuition & inner resources, and build self-trust & worthiness from the inside.

This is more than an online course or any self-help book could ever teach you…

—it's a journey to becoming the woman, mother and leader you came here to be with an experienced mentor and an extraordinary sisterhood of women by your side.

The investment for The Mother’s Way is $496
or 2 monthly payments of $248 
Once you’ve enrolled and completed your payment, you’ll receive a welcome email with all the details. You'll also be invited to join our supportive community via a telegram group to connect and share with fellow mums right away.

Use your role as a mother as the catalyst to your biggest evolution…

Voices for The Mother’s Way 

Becoming a mother was something I always dreamed of, but the transition was difficult! I felt disconnected from myself. Through The Mothers Way, Bonny helped me find my way back to myself.

I believe this is the work that every mother should do, and most mothers don't know or realise they need to do.

Anna Beckman, Brisbane, mum of 2

The Mothers Way has helped me trust my innate sense of who I am and emerge like the butterfly - transformed and doing what I was meant to do with beautiful wings.

Meg Simons, Brisbane, mum of 3

Bonny is one of the most heart-led and courageous women I've met. Her passion for taking her own experiences of motherhood and womanhood and turning them into practical and inspiring support for other mothers is truly amazing.

Amy Taylor-Kabbaz, Sydney, mum of 3

Bonny’s energy is truly nurturing, she has an innate ability to make you feel safe and comfortable in her space, she truly holds space in a loving and graceful way. I have been loving working with her so much and I recommend jumping in TMW 100%. 

Luciana Wayfar, West End NZ, mum of 1

You are helping to rewrite the soul of the mum. 

Committing to TMW has helped to dissolve resentment and this has had a ripple effect.

The day after our calls I am bouncing off the walls, my cup is full.

Kirsti McDonald, Brisbane, mum of 1


Hi, I’m Bonny - Mum of 4, Speech Pathologist, Tech COO & Your Guide within ‘The Mother’s Way’

I'm a mum to four incredible kids, and I've been right where you might be now – trying to find the balance between being a great parent and holding onto who I am beyond just being "Mum." 

In my early days as a mum, I felt like I was constantly dropping the ball, paired with intense feelings of guilt, frustration, and deep feelings of unworthiness. I felt so lost, unsure if I'd ever find my way back to myself.

But here's the thing – I did find my way. It took a lot of self-reflection, learning to carve out time for myself, and realizing that being a perfect parent is a myth. Embracing the beautifully imperfect journey of motherhood, I discovered a deep sense of peace, calm, and trust in myself that transformed not just my life, but my family's too.

This experience inspired me to create "The Mother's Way," a program designed to help other mums navigate their own paths through parenthood. 

I'm here with you, every step of the way, ready to welcome you into a space where your needs, dreams, and aspirations matter. We navigate this journey together, creating a path that honours both you and your family's needs.

If you would like to join with a payment plan of two monthly payments of $248 enroll here.